New Beginnings 1995 Legacy Church History
In the beginning a few friends led by Minister Gregory N. Bell began the New Beginnings Bible Study and Prayer Group at Sylvia's Country Kitchen in Antioch on Wednesday, September 20,1995. Minister Bell was later ordained and installed as Pastor of NBCC on July 21, 1996. Pastor Tommy Bradford of Independent Community Church of Richmond officiated his ordination and installation and Pastor J. Alfred Smith, Sr., of Allen Temple Baptist Church of Oakland delivered the ordination message and charge to the Congregation and Pastor. Following the birth of four churches as a result of Bell's pastorate, he was elevated to the Office of Bishop by T.D. Jakes of The Potter's House of Dallas, Texas on September 25,2004. Now after 21 years of faithful service, Bishop Bell retired as Senior Pastor of NBCC on November 1, 2016. Since our beginning as a Bible Study 21 years ago, New Beginnings Christian Center went on to become a major force in winning souls for Christ in the Delta region. Because God chose New Beginnings Christian Center to be the first African American non-denominational church in East Contra Cost County, thousand of souls have been saved, hundreds have been baptized and five new churches were birthed.